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Things You Need to Consider When Buying Your Vacuum Cleaner


Are you about to buy a vacuum cleaner? You have to consider many features, such as functions, specifications, cost, etc. to find a device that works best for your needs. Now here are four things you need to know about The Best Vacuum Cleaners.


1. Low Input Power (Wattage) and High Suction Power – A Wise Choice


Wattage is the input power of the vacuum motor measured in watts (W). It also shows the power consumption of an electrical device. The higher the wattage, the higher the power consumption.


Suction power is the air taken indicating a vacuum cleaner’s ability to get rid of dust and grime. It is normally mentioned in the specifications as Air Watts (AW), watts (W), or amps (= W/120). The higher vacuum suction power is, the more effective it becomes.


If you are looking for a number, choose a vacuum cleaner with wattage 1600W, and suction power from 180-200 AW for an upright cleaner, 80-100 AW for a cordless vacuum cleaner and 300+ AW for a canister.



2. Machine Weight – How Strong Are You?


You definitely need to consider how much weight you are able to push around with your vacuum cleaner, especially for women. The machine weight is always provided by manufacturers, so take a close look.


According to the best vacuum cleaner reviews, vacuums weighing about 5 – 6 kg (11 – 14 lbs) should suit most of us best. Believe me, you don’t want to drag a heavy vacuum all around your house.


You should think of how many levels there are in your house, and if there are many floors, you’d better go for lightweight models. Any machine which is under 5 kg (under 11 lbs) is lightweight. Recently on the market, several lightweight models have been introduced that can be carried around easily.


3. Noise Level – Choose an Acceptable Level for Your House


Noise level is an important factor to take into account, as some models make you feel like you are on a busy road. Noisy vacuum cleaners are not suitable for your household purposes.


As you may already know, noise is measured in dB. Machines with a noise level of more than 75 dB should be avoided. They are loud enough to drive you crazy.


The advisable noise level for you is between 65dB and 75 dB.


Useful Link:


5 Tips That Help You Choose the Right Vacuum Cleaner


How to Buy the Best Handheld Vacuum Cleaners – Key Features to Look Out for


4. Bagged Or Bagless?


With a bagged cleaner, it will be pretty easy for you to get rid of the dust bag and replace it. No bin cleaning is needed. And more importantly, a bagged vacuum is crucial to those with dust allergies. But if you are going to buy a machine with a dust bag, should consider the material of the bag, too.


Some bag materials are reusable, after being washed of course, while paper bags can be used once and replaced very conveniently.


Things are different for machines with a dust bin. They must be emptied when it’s full and should be washed very frequently or else it will smell unpleasant. Allergy sufferers cannot bear emptying and washing the dustbin. However, it will save your money, because we don’t need to buy dust bags periodically.



At the End of the Day


After you have reviewed the above features, remember, not all best vacuum cleaners in the world may suit your wants and needs. You should profile some models that meet your own requirements.


Now go for it!


If you need any more advice, feel free to contact us at…. We’re always here to help.


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